Hello, I am Cooper Ledford. SWO Sports is temporarily closed due to a few reasons. One reason is that I am very busy with school and other things that are probably more important than this website. Another reason is that I am the only one (as of now) that is writing articles for this website, and it is getting to be a lot to do, even if it is just one Reds game each day. There was another person who wrote articles with me, but I am unsure what happened to him. I have not talked to him in nearly a month.
The site will be closed until I find more people to write articles. If I do not have at least 2 more people by the end of the year, I will delete swosports.blogspot.com forever.
Thank you,
If you are interested in helping out with SWO Sports, comment on this article, OR, if you have a YouTube account, comment on my YouTube Profile.
I'll do it :D